Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Future Car

Just read an article on what may be the future of the cars we will drive.

The intresting thing is as the fuels like petrol and diesle keep getting expensive, the world is moving towards fuel cells and new technologies are evolving towards developing smaller and better fuel cells to power the future cars. Honda,toyota and pugeot have proved to be the leaders till now in the development of fuel cell technology. There are many a prototypes which are out and have been successfully tested and dtriven. Its anticipated that the production of fuel cell cars will begin by 2007.The evolution is not only happening in the fuel but also in the design, the overall safety and usability features of the cars too. People want GPS, ABS, EBS and many other cool gizmos in their cars. Some flying cars have been developed by Moller but they are still a distant reality.
I hope I will be able to drive a great car before I drive to heaven ..hehe
Lets see when India gets these fuel cell Avtaars and the latest technologies. At least fuel cell is the need of the hour looking at the soaring petrol prices.

My anticipatory weekend

1 day to go and here come the weekend :p. Read more ยป

Apocalypse Now ???

In recent days there have been a lot many incidences in the News about the vagaries of mother nature and the effect on the human lives. The arctic ice is melting and caps are disappearing, the sea level is rising , the typhoons and cyclones have become more destructive, there are Tsunamis, the torrential rains have become more destructive, there are new killer diseases etc.
We have played enough around with mother nature for serving our interests, now we are seeing the results. There was a very educative cartoon I used to see long time ago, it was Captain Planet . Mother earth was named as Gaya & was depicted by a lady in flowy clothes and it was shown how the characters work towards saving her. We dont have that kind of powers in the real world(as in captain planet series) but sure we can help in many ways to save our future. Technology will keep advancing but we can not replace the natural ways so its better late then never.

As captain planet says The Power is yours !!!!!!